Feb 28th, 2023

Feb. 28th 2023 Today the team is working on the finishing touches for the robot. Everything is being packed up and getting ready to go to the competition. The team is working hard to get everything done in...

Counting down the days!

Counting down the days! The robotics competition is in 13 days and everyone is excited! The build teams are working fast to get the robots completed in time for the big event and kind of stressing out about it, to be honest. The Alluminators are cautiously optimistic...

February 9th, 2023

Kicking into high gear! This week, the robotics team is putting everything they have into getting everything ready for the competition! The competition is only in 21 days, and the website has finally been entirely updated from its 2018 state. team 1 and team 2 are...