Hey guys! This year is going to be an interesting year!

This year’s game is called Aerial Assist. The main game piece is a 25 inch ball! The competition is made up of 2 alliances with 3 teams on each alliance. Each match is made up of a 15 second autonomous period followed by a 2.5 minute tele-operated period. During the autonomous period, each team pre-programs their robot to do specific tasks. This year, there is a 5 point bonus if you can simply get your robot to drive in to the zone ahead of your starting area.

After the autonomous period, there is a tele-operated period or driver controlled period. During this time, drivers from the teams control their robot. Their goal may be to just play defense, it could be to try to shoot in the high goal or even the low goal. All of the goals are very rewarding if accomplished.

The big bonus this year is known as assists. If you can get your robot to pass the ball onto another robot and that robot passes the ball (with certain restrictions of course!) to another robot and scores the goal, your team can get up to an additional 30 points!

Best of luck this year and have fun!